Updated on April 17, 2023
carte de crédit MastercardMD World EliteMD de la Banque NationaleMDPas de bonus de bienvenue pour le moment Frais annuels : $150 (Annulé la première année) | $50 Carte additionnelle | Intérêt sur les achats 20,99 % Transferts de solde et avances de fonds 22,49 % | 80 000 $ pour le demandeur ou 150 000$ de revenu familial. Sous réserve d’approbation de crédit. • Gagnez jusqu'à 5 points par dollar d'achats éligibles à l'épicerie et au restaurant* •
Jusqu'à 150$ de remboursement par année pour les frais de voyage sur la sélection de sièges, le stationnement à l'aéroport, les frais de bagages, l'accès aux salons d'aéroport à travers le monde et le surclassement de billets d'avion Pour profiter de cette offre de bienvenue, vous ne devez pas détenir actuellement de carte de crédit personnelle Mastercard Banque Nationale ou en avoir détenu au cours des 24 derniers mois.
Modalités de crédit Délai de grâce : aucun intérêt n’est imputé sur les achats effectués pendant le mois si le titulaire acquitte le montant intégral de son compte dans les vingt et un (21) jours suivant la date du relevé de compte. Ce délai de grâce ne s’applique pas aux avances de fonds et aux transferts de solde. Paiement minimum : si le solde de votre compte est inférieur à 10 $, vous devez payer le solde en entier. Si vous résidez dans la province de Québec, votre paiement minimum correspond à 5 % du solde de votre compte, plus tout montant en retard ou à 10 $, soit le montant le plus élevé des deux. Si vous résidez à l'extérieur du Québec, votre paiement minimum correspond à 2,5 % du solde du compte de carte de crédit, plus tout montant en retard ou 10 $, soit le montant le plus élevé des deux. Relevé de compte : un relevé de compte est envoyé mensuellement.
Conditions sur les points récompenses admissibles Certaines restrictions s’appliquent. Pour de plus amples informations, consultez la section Plan récompenses ou les Règles du plan applicables à l’accumulation de points. L’accumulation de points sur les dépenses d’épicerie et restaurant dépend du montant mensuel brut total porté au compte de carte de crédit, toutes catégories confondues. Obtenez 5 points par dollar d’achat sur les dépenses admissibles d’épicerie et restaurant. L’accumulation de 5 points par dollar d’achat est valide pour la première tranche de 2 500 $ d’achats mensuels bruts porté au compte. Au-delà de ce montant, les dépenses admissibles d’épicerie et restaurant donneront droit à l’accumulation de 2 points par dollar d’achat. Le calcul du montant des achats mensuels bruts est en fonction de la facturation mensuelle. Un achat d’épicerie désigne un achat effectué dans un commerce dont l’activité principale est de vendre des aliments tels une épicerie, une épicerie fine, un supermarché, une fruiterie ou un magasin d’alimentation spécialisé. Les abonnements aux services de prêts à cuisiner et les services de livraison de repas sont admissibles. Sont donc exclus de cette définition, entre autres, les commerces de détail et magasins à grande surface dont l’activité principale est de vendre des denrées autres qu’alimentaires. Certains commerçants peuvent vendre des produits ou des services identiques ou semblables à ceux des commerçants admissibles, ou sont des commerçants distincts situés dans les mêmes locaux que les commerçants admissibles, mais sont classés par Mastercard dans des catégories différentes. Les achats effectués auprès d’autres commerçants ne donnent droit qu’aux points récompenses de base. Un achat en restaurant désigne un achat effectué dans un restaurant, incluant les restaurants à service rapide, bars, discothèques, boîtes de nuit et tavernes. Pour consulter la liste complète des codes Mastercard associés aux commerçants admissibles, téléchargez le document des conditions du Plan récompenses À la carteMD. Pour obtenir 2 points par dollar d’achat, vous devez régler vos achats d’essence ou de recharge électrique dans une station-service ou dans certains magasins à grande surface. Certains commerçants peuvent vendre des produits ou des services identiques ou semblables à ceux des commerçants admissibles, ou sont des commerçants distincts situés dans les mêmes locaux que les commerçants admissibles, mais sont classés par Mastercard dans des catégories différentes. Les achats effectués auprès d’autres commerçants ne donnent droit qu’aux points récompenses de base. Pour consulter la liste complète des codes Mastercard associés aux commerçants admissibles, télécharger le document des conditions du Plan récompenses À la carteMD. Pour obtenir 2 points par dollar d’achat, vous devez régler vos achats admissibles via la section de l’agence Voyage À la carteMC de notre site Récompenses À la carteMC. Par exemple, si vous dépensez mensuellement 400 $ pour l'épicerie, 200 $ pour l'essence, 100 $ pour factures récurrentes et 150 $ d’autres achats, les 850 $ dépensés généreront 2 750 points, répartis de la manière suivante : 2 000 points pour les dépenses à l'épicerie (puisque le montant mensuel brut total est de 850 $, soit moins de 2 500 $), 400 points pour les dépenses en essence, 200 points pour factures récurrentes et 150 points pour autres achats. Conditions d’admissibilité au Salon Banque Nationale Exclusif aux titulaires de la carte Mastercard World Elite. La présentation de la carte de crédit physique et de la carte d’embarquement est requise pour accéder au salon. Le Salon Banque NationaleMD est accessible aux clients voyageant sur des vols internationaux uniquement (excluant les vols vers le Canada et les États-Unis). Le temps passé au salon ne peut excéder trois (3) heures. Pour les clients Banque Nationale ne bénéficiant pas de l'accès gratuit au Salon et les invités supplémentaires, le tarif d'entrée est d'environ 37 $ avant les taxes par adulte, de 26 $ avant les taxes par enfant et est gratuit pour les enfants de moins de 3 ans. Le tarif d'entrée peut être modifié sans préavis et est sous la responsabilité de l'opérateur du salon.. Assurances et modalités de remboursement des frais de voyage Sous réserve de présenter les pièces justificatives requises de la manière et dans le délai prescrit. Certaines conditions peuvent s’appliquer. Seul le titulaire principal d’une carte de crédit Mastercard World Elite de la Banque Nationale (Titulaire) dont le compte est en règle peut demander un « Remboursement frais de voyage ». Par « compte en règle », on entend un compte relié à la carte de crédit et ne contrevenant d’aucune façon à la Convention régissant l’utilisation de la carte de crédit et sur lequel aucune restriction n’est applicable. À titre d’exemple et de façon non limitative, les frais annuels qui s’y rattachent doivent avoir été acquittés intégralement. Le remboursement maximum de 150 $ peut être demandé du 1er janvier au 31 décembre de chaque année. Les dépenses admissibles sont
Une demande de remboursement doit être faite dans les 60 jours suivant la date de l’achat. Les frais de voyage doivent être portés au compte de carte de crédit Mastercard World Elite de la Banque Nationale. Le remboursement maximum de 150 $ est applicable par compte. Veuillez prévoir un délai maximal de 7 jours ouvrables pour le traitement du remboursement à compter de la date de soumission de votre demande. La Banque Nationale se réserve le droit de demander des pièces justificatives supplémentaires pour des fins de validations (ex: factures). Vous devez conserver tous les reçus et toutes les pièces justificatives pour une période de 12 mois à partir de la date à laquelle vous avez fait votre demande de remboursement. Un remboursement inutilisé une année ne peut être reporté à l’année suivante. Vous pouvez faire votre demande en ligne au recompenses.bnc.ca ou en communiquant au 1 800 341-8083 (sans frais) afin qu'un agent vous assiste avec votre demande de remboursement de frais de voyage. Ces protections s’appliquent si les achats ou la location sont réglés en partie avec la carte avant le départ, à l’exception, si applicable, de l’assurance médico-hospitalière hors province de résidence pour laquelle il n’est pas nécessaire de porter l’achat d’un voyage à la carte et de la protection en cas de retard de bagage où la totalité du coût du transport doit avoir été portée à la carte. Toutes ces protections s’appliquent au titulaire de carte principale, son conjoint et/ou leurs enfants à charge lorsque ceux-ci (conjoint et enfants à charge) voyagent avec le titulaire de carte. La prolongation de garanties s’applique sur la majorité des articles neufs achetés avec la carte, au Canada ou à l’étranger pour autant que la garantie du fabricant soit existante et valable au Canada. Certaines conditions, limitations et restrictions s’appliquent. Pour plus d’information et de détails concernant votre couverture d’assurance, veuillez consulter le certificat d’assurance lié à votre carte. Assurance sur votre appareil mobile Assurance allant jusqu’à 1 000 $ en cas de bris, de perte ou de vol d’appareils mobiles pour une période maximale de 2 ans, suivant la date d'achat. Sous condition d’achat de l’appareil avec la carte Mastercard World Elite Banque Nationale ou abonnement de service de téléphonie réglé par paiements récurrents depuis votre carte Mastercard Platine Banque Nationale à compter du 1er septembre 2022. Pour toutes les conditions, veuillez consulter le certificat d’assurance lié à votre carte. |
National Bank of Canada World Elite® Mastercard®No welcome bonus offer at this time. Annual Fee: $150 Primary Card (Waived in first year) | $50 Secondary Card | Interest Rate: Purchases 20.99% Cash Advances 22.49% | $80,000 personal or $150,000 household annual income
Earn up to 5 points per dollar in eligible grocery and restaurant purchases* •
Up to $150 each year in refund for travel expenses on airport parking, seat selection, check-in fees, airline ticket upgrades and access to airport lounges worldwide
Credit terms Grace period: No interest will be charged on purchases made during the month, provided the client pays the balance in full within twenty-one (21) days of the statement date. This grace period does not apply to cash advances or balance transfers. Minimum payment: If your account balance is lower than $10, you must pay the entire balance. If you reside in the province of Quebec, your minimum payment will correspond to 5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. If you reside outside of Quebec, your minimum payment represents 2.5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. Account statement: A statement is sent monthly. Example of credit charges over a 30-day period
Details of eligible rewards points Certain restrictions apply. For more information, consult the Rewards plan section or the Plan rules regarding how to earn points. The amount of points earned on grocery and restaurant purchases depends on the total gross monthly amount charged to the credit card account, regardless of the purchase category. You will earn 5 points for every dollar in eligible grocery and restaurant purchases until a total of $2,500 in gross monthly purchases is charged to the account. After that, you will earn 2 points per dollar in eligible grocery and restaurant purchases. The total gross monthly amount is calculated based on your monthly billing period. Grocery purchases include any purchase made at a store that primarily sells food, i.e., grocery store, delicatessen, supermarket, greengrocer or specialty food store. Ready-to-eat meal services and meal delivery services are eligible. This definition excludes purchases made at retail stores and big box stores whose core business is the sale of non-food items. Certain merchants may sell products and services that appear identical or similar to those sold by eligible merchants, or may be separate merchants located on the same premises as eligible merchants, but are classified in different categories by Mastercard. For purchases at other merchants, you will only earn regular rewards points. Restaurant purchases include purchases at a restaurant, fast food restaurant, bar, nightclub or pub. For a full list of Mastercard codes associated with eligible merchants, download the terms and conditions of the À la carte Rewards Plan®. To earn 2 points per dollar in purchases, you will need to purchase gas or an electrical vehicle charge from a service station or from certain big-box stores. Certain merchants may sell products and services that appear identical or similar to those sold by eligible merchants, or may be separate merchants located on the same premises as eligible merchants, but are classified in different categories by Mastercard. For purchases at other merchants, you will only earn regular rewards points. For a full list of Mastercard codes associated with eligible merchants, download the terms and conditions of the À la carte Rewards Plan®. Recurring bill payments are defined as monthly or regular payments automatically charged by a merchant to your National Bank World Elite Mastercard credit card. Not all merchants offer recurring bill payments, and not all recurring payments are considered recurring bill payments. Certain payments therefore may not entitle you to earn more points. To earn 2 points per dollar in purchases, you must make your eligible purchases via the À la carte TravelTM Agency section of our À la carte RewardsTM site. For example, if each month you charge $400 in groceries, $200 in gas, $100 in recurring bill payments and $150 in other purchases to your card, your $850 in purchases will earn you 2,750 points, as follows: 2,000 points for grocery purchases (since the total gross monthly amount is $850, i.e., under $2,500), 400 points for gas purchases, 200 points for recurring bill payments and 150 points for other purchases. National Bank Lounge conditions Exclusively available to World Elite Mastercard cardholders. Visitors must present their physical credit card and boarding pass to access the National Bank Lounge. The National Bank Lounge is only available to clients travelling to international destinations (excluding Canada and U.S. flights). Guests cannot spend more than three (3) hours in the Lounge. For National Bank clients who do not have free Lounge access and for additional guests, admission is around $37 for adults and $26 for children, plus tax. Admission is free for children under three years old. The entry price may change at any time without notice and at the discretion of the Lounge operator. Travel and health insurance conditions Clients must submit required documents within the given deadline. Certain conditions may apply. Only the primary cardholder (“Cardholder”) of National Bank World Elite Mastercard whose account is in good standing can request a refund of travel expenses. An account in good standing refers to an account linked to a credit card which complies with the Agreement governing the use of the credit card and which is not subject to any restrictions. For example, the annual fees related to the credit card must have been paid in full. The maximum amount that can be submitted for reimbursement between January 1 and December 31 of each year is $150. Eligible expenses include:
The claim must be submitted within 60 days of the purchase date and accompanied by proof of purchase. The travel fees must be charged to the National Bank World Elite Mastercard credit card. The maximum reimbursement amount is $150 per account. The refund will be issued within 7 business days following the request approval date and after receiving all required information. An amount not claimed in a year cannot be carried over to the following year. For more information or to obtain the refund form, sign in to rewards.nbc.ca, click the Refund of travel expenses tab and complete the form, you can also contact us at 1-888-296-8881 (toll-free). This coverage applies to purchases and rentals charged in part to the card, except out-of-province medical/hospital insurance for which the travel arrangements need not be charged to the card and lost or delayed luggage insurance where all transportation costs must be charged to the card. This coverage applies to the primary cardholder, their spouse and/or dependent children when they (spouse and/or dependent children) travel with the primary cardholder. Extended warranty coverage applies to most new items purchased with the card, in Canada or abroad, as long as the manufacturer's warranty is valid in Canada. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. For more information and for details of your insurance coverage, please consult the insurance certificate associated with your card. Mobile devices protection: Up to $1,000 in the event of breakage, loss or theft for a maximum of 2 years after the purchase date. The device must have been purchased using your National Bank World Elite Mastercard credit card, or your phone plan must be paid via recurring payments charged to your National Bank World Elite credit card starting September 1, 2022. For complete terms and conditions, please consult the insurance certificate associated with your card.
National Bank of Canada World MastercardNo welcome bonus at this time. Annual Fee $115 | Additional Cards: $35 | Annual interest rate 20.99% on purchases and 22.49% on funds advances | $60,000 personal or $100,000 household annual income
Credit terms Grace period: No interest will be charged on purchases made during the month, provided the client pays the balance in full within twenty-one (21) days of the statement date. This grace period does not apply to cash advances or balance transfers. Minimum payment: If your account balance is lower than $10, you must pay the entire balance. If you reside in the province of Quebec, your minimum payment will correspond to 5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. If you reside outside of Quebec, your minimum payment represents 2.5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. Account statement: A statement is sent monthly
*Variable interest rate in effect on September 1, 2021 Balance transfer and cash advance are subject to credit approval by National Bank. Each balance transfer must be at least $250. Details of eligible rewards points Certain restrictions apply. For more information, consult the Rewards plan section or the Plan rules regarding how to earn points. Travel and health insurance conditions This coverage applies to purchases and rentals charged in part to the card, except out-of-province medical/hospital insurance for which the travel arrangements need not be charged to the card and lost or delayed luggage insurance where all transportation costs must be charged to the card. This coverage applies to the primary cardholder, their spouse and/or dependent children when they (spouse and/or dependent children) travel with the primary cardholder. Extended warranty coverage applies to most new items purchased with the card, in Canada or abroad, as long as the manufacturer's warranty is valid in Canada. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. For more information and for details of your insurance coverage, please consult the insurance certificate associated with your card
National Bank of Canada Platinum MastercardNo welcome bonus at this time. Annual Fee $89 | Additional Cards: $35 | Annual interest rate 20.99% on purchases and 22.49% on funds advances | No minimum annual income requirement
Credit terms Grace period: No interest will be charged on purchases made during the month, provided the client pays the balance in full within twenty-one (21) days of the statement date. This grace period does not apply to cash advances or balance transfers. Minimum payment: If your account balance is lower than $10, you must pay the entire balance. If you reside in the province of Quebec, your minimum payment will correspond to 5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. If you reside outside of Quebec, your minimum payment represents 2.5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. Account statement: A statement is sent monthly. Example of credit charges over a 30-day period
*Variable interest rate in effect on September 1, 2021 Balance transfer and cash advance are subject to credit approval by National Bank. Each balance transfer must be at least $250. Details of eligible rewards points Certain restrictions apply. For more information, consult the Rewards plan section or the Plan rules regarding how to earn points. The amount of points earned on grocery and restaurant purchases depends on the total gross monthly amount charged to the credit card account, regardless of the purchase category. You will earn 2 points for every dollar in eligible grocery and restaurant purchases until a total of $1,000 in gross monthly purchases is charged to the account. After that, you will earn 1.5 points per dollar in eligible grocery and restaurant purchases. The total gross monthly amount is calculated based on your monthly billing period. Grocery purchases include any purchase made at a store that primarily sells food, i.e., grocery store, delicatessen, supermarket, greengrocer or speciality food store. Ready-to-eat meal services and meal delivery services are eligible. This definition excludes purchases made at retail stores and big box stores whose core business is the sale of non-food items. Certain merchants may sell products and services that appear identical or similar to those sold by eligible merchants, or may be separate merchants located on the same premises as eligible merchants, but are classified in different categories by Mastercard. For purchases at other merchants, you will only earn regular rewards points. Restaurant purchases include purchases at a restaurant, fast food restaurant, bar, nightclub or pub. For a full list of Mastercard codes associated with eligible merchants, download the terms and conditions of the À la carte Rewards Plan®. . To earn 1.5 points per dollar in purchases, you will need to purchase gas or an electrical vehicle charge from a service station or from certain big box stores. Certain merchants may sell products and services that appear identical or similar to those sold by eligible merchants, or may be separate merchants located on the same premises as eligible merchants, but are classified in different categories by Mastercard. For purchases at other merchants, you will only earn regular rewards points. For a full list of Mastercard codes associated with eligible merchants, download the terms and conditions of the À la carte Rewards Plan®. Recurring bill payments are defined as monthly or regular payments automatically charged by a merchant to your National Bank Platinum Mastercard credit card. Not all merchants offer recurring bill payments, and not all recurring payments are considered recurring bill payments. Certain payments therefore may not entitle you to earn more points. To earn 1.5 points per dollar in purchases, you must make your eligible purchases via the À la carte TravelTM Agency section of our À la carte RewardsTM site. For example, if each month you charge $400 in groceries, $200 in gas, $100 in recurring bill payments and $150 in other purchases to your card, your $850 in purchases will earn you 1,350 points, as follows: 800 points for grocery purchases (since the total gross monthly amount is $850, i.e., under $1,000), 300 points for gas purchases, 150 points for recurring bill payments and 100 points for other purchases. Travel and health insurance conditions This coverage applies to purchases and rentals charged in part to the card, except out-of-province medical/hospital insurance for which the travel arrangements need not be charged to the card, and lost or delayed luggage insurance where all transportation costs must be charged to the card. This coverage applies to the primary cardholder, their spouse and/or dependent children when they (spouse and/or dependent children) travel with the primary cardholder. Extended warranty coverage applies to most new items purchased with the card, in Canada or abroad, as long as the manufacturer's warranty is valid in Canada. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. For more information and for details of your insurance coverage, please consult the insurance certificate associated with your card. Mobile device protection: The device must have been purchased using your National Bank Platinum Mastercard credit card, or your phone plan must be paid via recurring payments charged to your National Bank Platinum credit card starting September 1, 2022. For complete terms and conditions, please consult the insurance certificate associated with your card. |
National Bank of Canada ECHO Cashback MastercardNo welcome bonus at this time. Annual Fee $30 | Additional Cards: $0 | Annual interest rate 20.99% on purchases and 22.49% on funds advances
Credit terms Grace period: No interest will be charged on purchases made during the month, provided the client pays the balance in full within twenty-one (21) days of the statement date. This grace period does not apply to cash advances or balance transfers. Minimum payment: If your account balance is lower than $10, you must pay the entire balance. If you reside in the province of Quebec, your minimum payment will correspond to 5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. If you reside outside of Quebec, your minimum payment represents 2.5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. Account statement: A statement is sent monthly. Example of credit charges over a 30-day period
Cashback Details All eligible purchases qualify for 1% cashback when your account is in good standing. Your account is in good standing when you comply with the obligations of your cardholder agreement (e.g., making your minimum payment by the due date). The cashback will be paid as a credit applied to your account and cannot be paid in cash. An additional cashback of 0.5% is granted on the first $25,000 of eligible gas, grocery and online purchases charged annually to your credit card account. The additional cashback of 0.5% does not apply when the total of your annual eligible purchases exceeds $25,000. After that, the cashback equals 1% of eligible purchases, regardless of the type of purchase. For conditions and restrictions that apply to cashback rewards and a full list of codes associated with eligible merchants, refer to the cashback accumulation table [PDF] and the applicable rules [PDF]. Purchase protection and Extended warranty This coverage applies to purchases charged to the National Bank ECHO cashback card. Extended warranty coverage applies to most new items purchased with the card, in Canada or abroad, as long as the manufacturer's warranty is valid in Canada. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. For more information and for details of your insurance coverage, please consult the insurance certificate associated with your card.. |
National Bank of Canada Allure MastercardYour cause. Your card. The Allure card allows you to contribute to the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation and get a cashback on every purchase. Annual Fee $0 | Additional Cards: $0 | Annual interest rate 20.99% on purchases and 22.49% on funds advances
Credit terms Grace period: No interest will be charged on purchases made during the month, provided the client pays the balance in full within twenty-one (21) days of the statement date. This grace period does not apply to cash advances or balance transfers. Minimum payment: If your account balance is lower than $10, you must pay the entire balance. If you reside in the province of Quebec, your minimum payment will correspond to 5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. If you reside outside of Quebec, your minimum payment represents 2.5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. Account statement: A statement is sent monthly. Example of credit charges over a 30-day period
Cashback details The cashback is based on a point-accumulation system. You get 1 point for every $2 you spend using your Allure Mastercard® credit card, providing your account is in good standing. Once a year, in January, you will receive a $10 cashback for every 1,000 points earned. The cashback will be paid as a credit applied to your account and cannot be paid in cash. Your account is considered to be in good standing when you fulfill the obligations under your cardholder agreement (e.g., make the minimum payment by the due date). Interest charges, annual fees, balance transfers, cash advances, service charges, insurance premiums, promotional Mastercard cheques and refunded purchases are not eligible for rewards points. For details, see the Terms and conditions [PDF]. Purchase protection and Extended warranty Purchase protection applies provided the purchases or expenses are charged to the National Bank Allure Mastercard® credit card account. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. For more information, please consult the insurance certificate for your credit card. Extended warranty coverage applies to most new articles purchased with the card, in Canada or abroad, provided the manufacturer's warranty is valid in Canada. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. For more information, please consult the guarantee certificate for your credit card. . Contribution to QC Breast Cancer Foundation National Bank donates $0.10 for every $10 charged to an Allure Mastercard® credit card account over a 12-month period to the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation. The annual donation is capped at $750,000. |
National Bank of Canada mycredit Mastercard$75 cashback offer : You will receive a $75 cashback if $1,500 in net purchases is charged to the credit card account within the first three months following account opening. The account must be in good standing at the time cashback is applied. Annual Fee $0 | Additional Cards: $0 | Annual interest rate 20.99% on purchases and 22.49% on funds advances
Credit terms Grace period: No interest will be charged on purchases made during the month, provided the client pays the balance in full within twenty-one (21) days of the statement date. This grace period does not apply to cash advances or balance transfers. Minimum payment: If your account balance is lower than $10, you must pay the entire balance. If you reside in the province of Quebec, your minimum payment will correspond to 5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. If you reside outside of Quebec, your minimum payment represents 2.5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. Account statement: A statement is sent monthly. Example of credit charges over a 30-day period
Cash Back Details Subject to credit approval by National Bank of Canada. The cashback granted is 1% on restaurant purchases and on recurring pre-authorized payments when you use recurring automatic transfers with your mycredit account. The cashback of 0.5% applies to all other eligible purchases during a billing cycle. The account must be in good standing when the cashback is awarded. Your account is in good standing when you comply with the obligations of your cardholder agreement (e.g., making your minimum payment by the due date). These eligible automatic transfers are defined as regular payments that are automatically withdrawn by a merchant on your credit card. Balance transfers, cash advances and fees resulting from the use of the card are excluded from the cashback calculation. For conditions and restrictions that apply to cashback rewards, refer to the Cashback Program [PDF].. Mobile device protection: Subject to the mobile device’s purchase with the card or mobile plan settled by recurring pre-authorized payments from your mycredit account. |
National Bank Syncro Mastercard$75 cashback offer : You will receive a $75 cashback if $1,500 in net purchases is charged to the credit card account within the first three months following account opening. The account must be in good standing at the time cashback is applied. Annual Fee $35 | Additional Cards: $0 | Annual interest rate 11.2% (min) or prime rate + 4% on purchases and 15.2% (min) or prime rate + 8% on funds advances
Credit terms Grace period: No interest will be charged on purchases made during the month, provided the client pays the balance in full within twenty-one (21) days of the statement date. This grace period does not apply to cash advances or balance transfers. Minimum payment: If your account balance is lower than $10, you must pay the entire balance. If you reside in the province of Quebec, your minimum payment will correspond to 5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. If you reside outside of Quebec, your minimum payment represents 2.5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. Account statement: A statement is sent monthly. Example of credit charges over a 30-day period
*Variable interest rate in effect on September 1, 2021 Balance transfer and cash advance are subject to credit approval by National Bank. Each balance transfer must be at least $250. Prime rate and Interest details The prime rate means the annual variable interest rate posted by National Bank, from time to time, and used by the Bank to determine the interest rates on the demand loans it grants in Canadian dollars in Canada. The interest rate for the SYNCRO card consists of a variable prime rate set by National Bank plus a fixed adjustment rate of 4% for purchases and 8% for balance transfers and cash advances. Please note that the annual interest rate for the SYNCRO card will not be less than 8.9% for purchases and 12.9% for balance transfers and cash advances. Purchase protection and Extended warranty This coverage applies to purchases charged to the National Bank Syncro card. Extended warranty coverage applies to most new items purchased with the card, in Canada or abroad, as long as the manufacturer's warranty is valid in Canada. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. For more information and for details of your insurance coverage, please consult the insurance certificate associated with your card. |
National Bank of Canada Modest Chequing AccountEverything in moderation—just the right number of electronic transactions.